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“Let integrity and uprightness preserve me” (Psalm 25:21; AMPC). Some other words conveying all or part of the meaning of integrity would be: strong moral standards, honesty, innocence, blameless, righteousness, incorruptible and honorable. The scripture quotation above was written by King David and we know that for the most part he was a man of integrity because he had the opportunity to kill King Saul but chose not to because Saul was God’s anointed king (1 Sam 24:10). (However, when it came to his relationship with Bathsheba and Uriah he was not operating in integrity; 2 Sam 11-12) We are told by Solomon that the book of Proverbs was written so that we could learn integrity (Prov 11:3)., along with many other things (Prov 1:3). So, if we want to live lives of integrity we should pay close attention to the whole book of Proverbs.
In Ephesians 6, in the Amplified Bible Classic translation (AMPC), we read about putting on the armour of God and verse 14 says, “Having put on the breastplate of integrity and moral rectitude”. We have to put it on, in other words be intentional about it. This means no white lies, no cheating; it means obeying the laws of the land, showing respect, being an honest citizen and doing what we know is right even when no one is watching.
When Paul wrote to Titus, he asked him to appoint elders for the churches and said that they should be men of “unquestionable integrity” (Titus 1:6; AMPC). That should describe anyone who calls himself a Christian. So, lets make integrity a priority in our lives and set a good example in the body of Christ.

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