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As Christians we are called to live by faith (Gal 3:11). In other words salvation and all God's promises for us are received by faith. There is a wonderful definition of faith in the Amplified Bible translation of 2 Timothy 3:16; "the leaning of the entire human personality on God in Christ Jesus in absolute trust and confidence in His power, wisdom, and goodness". My definition is knowing that you know, that you know, that you know that all God's promises are ours! How do we get faith? God has given all of us a measure of faith (Rom 12:3). To receive all God has for us and walk in all He wants us to do we need to strengthen or grow our faith. How do we do that? In Romans 10:17 (NKJV), we are told: "so then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God". As we hear God's Word preached and read it for ourselves, our faith will grow. Need healing for example? then search your bible for scriptures on healing and meditate on them. I promise you it works.

The Mystery

In the New Testament we see several references to: “the mystery” (E.g., Col 2:1-3). The apostle Paul showed us that “the mystery” is the revelation of the ministry of God’s Son Jesus on this earth, culminating in His death, resurrection and ascension into heaven and all the impact this can have on our lives (1 Tim 3:16). Through his death and resurrection Jesus defeated satan, stripped him of all his evil power and authority (Col 2:15) and won forgiveness of all of our sins. Our sins separated us from God and left us open to all of the works of the devil (John 10:10). When we believe in Jesus and ask Him into and give Him control of our lives, we can experience God’s forgiveness, restored fellowship with Him, victory over satan and the wonderful new life God has for us (John 10:10). We call this salvation.
As a boy I was taught scripture in school; I loved the Old Testament battles and heroes and the things Jesus did, but as a non-Christian, I had no understanding of the powerful, life changing spiritual significance of the Bible. No one ever told me I could be saved and have an amazing personal relationship with Jesus. You see as a non-Christian, natural human being, the Bible was a mystery to me, simply a book of stories, no more (1 Cor 2:14).
When we are saved, Jesus comes and lives in us in the form of the Holy Spirit (), the third part of the trinity (God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit). We are all spirit beings; we live in a body and have a soul (1 Thess 5:23). As Christians, the Holy Spirit interacts with our spirit and brings the scriptures alive to us (1 Cor 2:9-10), and as a result we can see the full spiritual truth, meaning and power of God’s Word and how it can change our lives; the mystery is revealed to us! It’s wonderful, life changing! Get in the Bible, pray, ask God through His Spirit, to give you revelation of all He has for you and how He wants to use you to share Him with others.