When we were born again our spirits were made new (John
3:3-7) but not our bodies or souls. We need to bring our bodies under (1 Cor
9:27) and renew our minds (Rom 12:2). Our minds have had years under the
influence of satan and his worldly system that we all live in and we need to
change our thinking over to Gods influence and ways.
In Philippians 4:8 we are told the things God says we should
meditate on to clean up our minds.
Checking out the complete meaning of some of the words from the Greek in
that verse of scripture is interesting. In Philippians 4:8 the word true means true and you can’t get
closer to the truth than God’s word.
Noble has the sense of something that demands respect. Something that is just, is innocent or even Holy! To be pure is to be morally faultless or
without blemish. To be lovely is to
be lovely! Words of good report are
words that lack any negativity or ill report. Virtue, speaks of moral excellence and goodness. God is praiseworthy, so that sets a standard
right there! Paul says meditate on these things!!!
Obviously God’s word is where our thoughts need to be and we
need to train our minds to think along God’s pattern in all our daily
interactions and thought processes. The results will be peace (Phil 4:7). Try
it, you will see results, guaranteed!