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Do it God’s Way!

“Come to Me all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” (Matt 11:28-30; NKJV). This is one of my favourite passages in the Bible! To the people of Jesus’ time, He offered a rest from the toil of trying to live by the law and traditions of the time. This passage speaks powerfully to us as well. As we labour and toil to the point of exhaustion in life trying to find peace, integrity, fulfillment, satisfaction, abundance and success Jesus says, why not live life My way and you will experience all you seek and true rest. True rest is refreshment, when we can stop labouring in our own strength and look to Jesus. We read in our passage that Jesus is humble and a man of meekness, meekness is power under control. Jesus’ way for us to have the abundant God kind of life (John 10:10) is easy, pleasant and good. Becoming yoked to Jesus means to be linked with and submitted to Him; to become humble and teachable so we can learn His ways and do them. We men often buy a product and get frustrated trying to assemble and use it because we rely only on our own ability and knowledge. Then our wives suggest we read the instructions and we finally have success. In our passage, God tells us to do life His way and then we will experience rest, peace and fulfillment. His instruction manual we need to consult is the word, our Bible!

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