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The Power of The Word of God

Try reading Colossians 1:3-11 today. Paul prays for the saints or Christians in the Colossian church. Notice how his first words are positive and full of praise; thanking God for the Colossians, their faith and love. He encourages their focus on their eventual eternal heavenly reward (V.5) (1 Peter 1:3-4).

Paul gives us a glimpse of his approach to and priority for his praying for the Colossians: “praying always for you” (V.3) and: “do not cease to pray for you” (V.9) (KJV).

The crux of the prayer for me is the emphasis on God’s word. In verse 5 he reminds them that their heavenly hope comes from: “the word the truth of the gospel”. He pursues this thought in verse 9 when he prays that the Colossians would be filled with all knowledge, understanding and wisdom of God’s will. This he links to being fruitful in good works (V.10), being strengthened by God’s Holy Spirit power and authority and growing in the good fruit of the Spirit (long suffering, joy) (V. 10-11). (Gal. 5:22-23).

Jesus told us that the Holy Spirit would reveal God’s word to us (John 14:26), would enable us to walk in all God’s promises and would flow through us to impact our world (John 7:38). Make Paul’s prayer yours today, allow the Holy Spirit to bring you revelation of God’s word and walk in it by faith.

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