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Small Beginnings

“Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin” (Zech 4:10a; NLT). The meaning of the words “small beginnings” is insignificant or unimportant. In other words, what may seem unimportant or insignificant to us is something that makes God happy. It’s interesting that some of the people God chose to do His work were seemingly unimportant. There was Moses who felt he couldn’t speak properly (Ex 4:10); David whose father didn’t even bring him before Samuel for selection to be king (1 Sam 16:11) and Gideon who called himself “the least in his father’s house” (Judges 6:15). Not to mention Jesus who was born in a lowly stable to humble parents. Jesus Himself chose unimportant people such as uneducated fishermen to be His disciples; He also spent time with people that the world would call insignificant such as tax collectors, prostitutes and sinners. His whole ministry was directed to people with needs.
You might be thinking that what you do for God is insignificant – you don’t have a world-wide ministry, you’re not winning souls to the Lord every day or your prayer life doesn’t feel very dynamic. However, according to our initial verse above God is rejoicing over the small things you do. As Jesus Himself said, “Truly I tell you, in so far as you did it to one of the least (in the estimation of men) of these My brethren, you did it for Me” (Matt 25:40; AMPC).

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