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The Bible is a prophetic book and many of the Old Testament prophets foretell the life and death of Jesus. These prophecies came from the Holy Spirit because they came to pass many years later. Take Isaiah for example, he spoke these words at least 700 years before Jesus was born, “Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel (Isa 7:15; NIV). Then in Isa 11:1 he prophecies that a “Branch” will grow out of the roots of Jesse (King David’s father) and that the Spirit of the Lord will “rest upon Him” (Isa 11:2; NKJV). This is clearly referring to Jesus who is a descendant of David. Matt 2:23 fulfills this prophecy where it says, “He shall be called a Nazarene” and Nazarene means “a branch.” (See also Luke 4:18 and Rev 5:5). Even wicked Balaam prophesied the coming of Jesus, “I see Him, but not now; I behold Him but not near; A star shall come out of Jacob; A scepter shall rise out of Israel” (NKJV). The prophet, Micah prophesied that Jesus would be born in Bethlehem, and so He was some 800 years later (Micah 5:2).
These are just a very few of the prophecies concerning the birth of Jesus; there are more concerning His life and especially His death and many other prophecies. Some of them are being fulfilled in the time we are living in right now and some of them are yet to be fulfilled. This all points to the fact that the Bible has stood the test of time and is to be trusted.

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