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It is written concerning the early church that, “they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread and in prayers “(Acts 2:42; NKJV). Prayer here refers to a solemn request directed to God. Jesus gave His disciples a model prayer on which to base their prayers (Matt 6:9-14). This prayer starts and ends with words of praise and worship. The prayer contains a request that we could live here on earth in God’s kingdom just like it is in heaven. We are to pray that our needs and those of others be met. Jesus also directed us to ask God for forgiveness as we forgive others. Finally, we are to ask God to protect us from temptation and all the evil attacks of the devil.
We can ask anything as long as it is in line with God’s will and the promises in His word (1 John 5:14-15). Our prayers are to be spoken to God in Jesus name (John 14:13) and must be asked in faith (Mark 11:24). James, the brother of Jesus, made it clear that there is no room for doubt in our prayers (James 1:6). It is good to have a specific time each day to pray in a private place, or the “secret place” as the apostle Matthew calls it (Matt 5:6). However, we are also encouraged to pray everywhere (1 Tim 2:8) and at all times (Luke 18:1, 1Thess 5:17). The apostle Luke recorded that Jesus prayed all night! (Luke 6:12). Praying in agreement with others is also powerful (Matt 18:19-20). God knows our needs before we ask Him (Matt 6:8), but He wants us to ask, let’s do it and see His kingdom established here on earth!

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