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Love and Marriage

I find it interesting that the first instructions that God gives us on marriage are found in the very first book of the Bible, in the first two chapters. In Genesis 2:24 God gives husbands and wives probably the most important instructions they need. He says: "Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall become one flesh" (KJV). These same instructions are also given in Matt. 19:5 and Eph. 5:31.

Husbands and wives must re prioritize relationships as they come together to make the new relationship their focus, independent of previous family connections. The meaning of the word cleave, suggests a relationship where husband and wife are cemented together in a permanent covenant or bond. In other words, next to God, our spouse should be more important than anything else in life.

The advantage that Christian marriages have over non-Christians is that Christians can love their spouses with agape love. This is the unconditional love with which God loves us; a love that has been poured into us by the Holy Spirit (Rom 5:5). This is a love of choice which is not dependent on performance. In 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 the apostle Paul spells that out the characteristics of this love for us. We encourage you to read that chapter of the Bible.

With agape love in operation even the most seemingly impossible problems in marriage can get turned around. Of course, this is not something we can do in our own ability but with God's help and lots of prayer, it is possible.

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