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Listen and see with your heart

We can sometimes listen to awe inspiring music or see an amazing painting and be deeply moved emotionally. However, we should not limit ourselves by only just listening with our ears and seeing with our eyes. As Christians, God wants to speak to our spirits.

So often we listen but we do not hear; we look but we do not see. Why is this? It is because we only hear with our physical ears and see with our physical eyes (Isa 6:9-10). We need to see and hear as God himself does, with our spirits, our hearts (1Sam 16:7; Luke 24:32). This is when God can speak to us Spirit to spirit (Pr 20:27) directly or through his word (John 14:26; Rom 2:15), through people (Pr 11:14), his creation (Rom 1:20) and music and art that he inspires. This is when we can be truly changed.

How often we do not change even when we hear and see so much of his magnificence, so much of God’s word and see and hear so much of him but only with our ears and eyes.

For a few moments, in our busyness, let’s try to focus on God, on heaven, and leave our souls to rest. Allow God to arrest you, envelope you in his peace and love you, speak to your heart and change you from glory to glory, holiness to holiness. I encourage you to close your eyes, listen to some favorite music and meditate on the goodness of God; allow him to truly change you.

My how the church needs truly changed Christians.

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A BLOG by Norman and Jean Rawlings, authors of the book: “On the Way: Basic Christian Training”. Check out our web site for information on our book and more encouraging Bible based blogs. Fill out the: “contact us page” on our website and in the comments section REQUEST A FREE COPY OF A CHAPTER FROM OUR BOOK, click here:    

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