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God Our All

Psalm 73 and verses 23 through 26 have always been favorites for us. The idea of constant fellowship with God and his holding us by our right hand has to thrill any Christian (V23). But verse 24 gets even better: “thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory” (KJV).

God guides us with his word (Ps 119:105).  In Proverbs 3:5-6 we are told that he will direct our paths if we fully trust him and don’t allow our thought processes to get in the way. In those verses it also says that we need to acknowledge him; to me that mean’s people around us should know whom we serve.

Back in Psalm 73 and verse 25, the Psalmist tells us we need to have a tenacious and single-minded focus on God. In verse 26 he tells us why; because we will always reach the limits of our strength but God is our strength and he never fails! Isn’t it amazing to think that God and his power, dwells in us as Christians in the form of the Holy Spirit (John 14:16-17; Rom 8:11)?

This all sounds wonderful and it is but to allow God to do all he wants to on our behalf we must cooperate. Cooperation is a matter of spending time with him in his word and prayer. A simple expectation but do we long for these times with him and make them our priority (Joshua 1:8)? We should, the results are awesome!

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