are spiritual beings, living in bodies and having souls, which are our minds,
wills and emotions (1 Thess 5:23). In 1 Peter 1, the apostle Peter talks about
salvation. Salvation means to be spiritually reborn, born again or saved (John
3:3-8). We are saved from the spiritual death (Rom 6:23) that resulted from our
sinful life prior to us becoming Christians. We are spiritually saved or born
again by repenting of sin and asking Jesus into our life as Lord and Savior
(Acts 3:19; Rom 10:9-10). Salvation encompasses forgiveness, restoration,
prosperity, protection, safety, healing, preservation, joy, eternal life and so
much more. This is all available to us when we are saved and is referred to in
1 Peter 1:3.
1 Peter 1:4-5, 9, also refer to the promise of the completion of our salvation,
or final salvation as we meet our Lord and savior in heaven at the end of our
life on this earth. This is the continuation in heaven of our eternal life, which
started when we asked Christ into our lives here on this earth.
apostle Peter also writes about how God by his power (Greek word dunamis, from
which we get the English word, dynamite) keeps us in this present life (v 5).
He works in us to grow and change us to be more like him (Phil 1:6) and to
protect us and keep us for our final reward of eternal life in heaven (Ps
91:17a). Wow, what an awesome journey.
has us covered; all we have to do is submit (James 4:7-8,10) and cooperate with
him. How do we cooperate as Christians? Start with prayer and immersing
yourself in the Bible.
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