“That I may know him, and the power of his
resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto
his death” (Phil 3:10). Paul said that his goal in life was to know Christ and
the power of his resurrection. Think what power (the Greek word dunamis) was
needed to raise Jesus from the dead (Eph 1:19-20). We get our English word
dynamite from the Greek word dunamis.
same power dwells in us (Rom 8:11), brings life to our mortal bodies, empowers
us to be witnesses for him (Acts 1:8) and in fact, makes us like Jesus (2 Cor
3:17-18). Wow and double Wow.
1:18 also indicates that God’s power (the Greek word kratos) in us is the power
of dominion or authority. As born-again believers, we walk in the authority of
Jesus over the devil. Jesus took back all power and authority from satan through
his (Jesus) death and resurrection (Eph 1:21-22). What a victory we have in
Jesus. But Paul also went on to say, in Philippians 3:10, that we must also be
willing to fellowship in Christ’s sufferings and death. We have to die to self
and live for Christ, no matter how much persecution or difficulty this may
bring; are we willing? The benefits are truly amazing.
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