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Get Your Hopes Up!

In the world we often hear people say, “don’t get your hopes up” but I feel the Bible’s message is the exact opposite, “Get your hopes up!” Hosea 2:15 caught my attention, “I will transform the valley of trouble into a gateway of hope” (NLT). This word “hope” means eager expectation. We all go through “trouble” from time to time, however, God can help us through these difficult times but we need to put our hope into operation in order for that to happen. We can put our hope in God because He is trustworthy, “For you are my hope, O Lord God, You are my trust from my youth” (Ps 71:4; NKJV). (See also 1 Tim 4:10, 1 Peter 3:5 and many places in Psalms).
Another very encouraging verse is Zechariah 9:12, “Return to the stronghold you prisoners of hope. Even today I declare that I will restore double to you” (NKJV). A prisoner of hope is someone who believes their expectant hope will set them free and repay “double for their trouble.” Hallelujah!
Hope is actually closely connected to faith; it is hope that maintains faith during the waiting period. Abraham is a good example, “Who, contrary to hope, in hope believed, so that he became the father of many nations” (Rom 4:18; NKJV).
Paul encouraged the Jewish Christians to hold onto the, “confession of hope without wavering, since He who promised is faithful” (Rom 10:23; CSB). He also said that hope is “an anchor for our souls” (Heb 6:19; NLT). In other words, hope, like an anchor, will keep us secure in the midst of any storm.
So, keep your hopes up today! Be expectant, expect a miracle!

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