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The Bible is very clear that as Christians we must live by faith in God (Mark 11:22). “Now, the just shall live by faith” (Heb 10:38a; NKJV). We receive all of God’s promises by faith. So, what is faith? My favorite definition is in 2 Tim 3:14; (AMPC) “Faith in Christ Jesus (Through the leaning of the entire human personality on God in Christ Jesus in absolute trust and confidence in His power, wisdom and goodness).” You may think, “I am not there yet”, that’s ok. We have all been given a measure of faith (Rom 12:3b) and we can build up our faith by spending time in the word (Rom 10:17). For example, if we are believing God for a major breakthrough in our finances, we can dig out scriptures on that topic and meditate on them. One such scripture would be Philippians 4:13, where we read that God provides for our needs.
If we are believing for something that we are praying for, what we say should match our faith. (Mark 11:23). We can’t say we are believing for financial breakthrough and yet also tell people, “I’m just about bankrupt.” In James’ epistle he tells us that a doubleminded man will not receive anything from God (James 1:6-8). When we pray, we believe right then that we have the answer (Mark 11:24) even though what we request may not manifest in the physical realm for some time. In the meantime, we keep meditating on the scriptures to keep us in faith and we thank God in our prayers for the answer. As we dare to believe God, He will amaze us with His love, blessings and power!

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