“That I may know him, and the power of his
resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto
his death; if by any means I may attain unto the resurrection of the dead”
(Phil 3:10-11; KJV).
verses show Paul’s heart, his life motivation. Paul’s sole motivation was to
know Christ; not to know about him but to know him. Paul desired to be like
Christ in dying to self and sin and living to eternal life. He counted it gain
to suffer for Christ as this reflected his complete identification with Jesus.
an earlier verse in Philippians Chapter 3 (V8), Paul looked back at his earlier
life without Jesus and counted it as loss, rubbish; compared to knowing Christ
in an intimate, dynamic and life changing relationship. The word rubbish can be
translated dung, showing how emphatic Paul was in making his point.
went on to say that he didn’t look back but pressed on to follow the call of
Jesus, (v12-13) to come closer and higher in relationship with him (Jesus) and
to experience the power of Christ’s resurrection (v10). Paul had a heavenly or
eternal perspective while he ministered powerfully and effectively on this
earth in the anointing of God. Wow, that’s what I want. Let’s press in but
remember not to get condemned as Paul said, when he wrote this epistle, that he
had not arrived (v13) but was determined to press in (14).
pass this on.