I was studying the Holy Spirit and was
reminded that he is called the helper (John 14:26; Greek parakletos),
intercessor, comforter, advocate, assistant, one who pulls alongside to help
and support. He gives us a prayer language (Acts 2:4; tongues) so he can help
us pray when we don’t know how to pray for a situation (Rom 8:26-27). Tongues
also edify and build up our faith (1 Cor 14:4; Jude 20).
Holy Spirit guides us and directs (Acts 16:6-7) us and reveals God’s word to us
(John 14:26). He is the power of God that changes us ever closer to God’s image
(2 Cor 3:17-18), brings life to our mortal bodies (Rom 8:11), enables us to be
the witnesses God desires (Acts 1:8) and enables us to do even greater works
than Jesus did (John 14:12).
spreads Gods love abroad in our hearts (Rom 5:5). If we allow him he will develop
his fruit in our lives: “love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness,
faith, meekness, and temperance” (Gal 2: 22-23).
we receive the Holy Spirit to live inside us when we are saved (2 Cor 1:22). But God will also further fill us or empower us
(baptize us) with the fullness of his Spirit (Acts 2:4; 4:3) and we only have
to ask (Luke 11:13).
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