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When God gave some instructions to the children of Israel He said, “You shall be holy for I am holy” (Lev 11:44,45; NKJV) (see also Lev 19:2; 20:7). God is holy and He wants His children to be holy. Peter refers to this in 1 Peter 1:15. The Greek word used in the New Testament for “holy” is “hagios” and it means: set apart for God, pure, sinless and upright. If we are to be set apart for God then we will have to cut ourselves off from worldliness, “Keep oneself unspotted from the world” (James 1:27b; NKJV). In Hebrews chapter 12 verse 14 we are told to pursue holiness; it’s not something you become overnight, but you can grow in holiness day by day (Heb 10:14). Psalm 15 describes some attributes of holiness to help us in our quest - being blameless, doing what is right, speaking the truth and not gossiping. The Holy Spirit is our helper as we strive to live a life of holiness (2 Peter 1:3). When Jesus was praying for His disciples He said, “Make them holy by Your truth, teach them Your word, which is truth” (John 17:17; NLT). In other words, if we want to grow in holiness, we will do that by spending time in God’s presence and in His word. In the Bible the process of growing in holiness is called “sanctification” and it is an ongoing process (I Thess 5:23).

Jacob’s Transformation-your transformation

In the Old Testament we read how Jacob stole his brother Esau’s birthright and father’s blessing (Gen 25:29-34; 27:1-40). Later In Genesis is the account of how Jacob wrestled all night with the angel of God (Gen 32:24-30). The angel asked Jacob what his name was and to his discomfort he had to admit it was Jacob which means supplanter, schemer and swindler. However, the angel told Jacob that his name was to be changed to “Israel” which means, “one who struggled with God and prevailed”; the angel blessed Jacob. Jacob’s change of name to Israel marked a significant transformation in his life and character from supplanter to the first person to bear the name of God’s people, Israel. Praise God that we as Christians have not had to wrestle with God. However, think about it, when we asked Jesus into our lives as Lord and Saviour (Rom 10:9-10) we experienced a more significant transformation in our lives than Jacob did. We were spiritually born again (John 3:3,5-7) transformed from sinner to child of God (Eph 2:1; John 1:12), forgiven of all our sins, past, present and future (1 John 1:8-10), delivered from satan’s darkness into God’s kingdom of light (Col 1:13-14), and given abundant life (John 10:10b) to be God’s witnesses on this earth (Mark 16:15-18). More than this, God gave us His word in our Bibles to show us how to walk in all God has for us and the Holy Spirit (2 Cor 1:22) to empower us to do it.

To Know God

The word for “know” in the Old and New Testament means to know someone personally, not just know about them. There are 3 people in the Bible that come to mind when I think about “knowing” God – Moses, David and Saul. When God asked Moses to take the children of Israel into the promised land Moses said to God, “Show me your way, that I may know You and that I may find grace in Your sight” (Ex 33:13; NKJV). He even went to tell God that if His presence did not go with them, he would rather stay in the wilderness (verse 15). King David reveals his desire to know God in Psalm 63:1 when he says, “Early will I seek You; my soul thirsts for You; my flesh longs for You in a dry and thirsty land where there is no water” (NKJV). (See also Psalm 42:1,2). By reading the Psalms we can see how deep David’s knowledge of God actually became. In addition, he was called a man after God’s heart (1 Sam 13:4; Acts 13:22). Then we read in Philippians chapter 3, where Paul says that everything is worthless (even garbage) compared to being able to know Jesus (verses 7,8). In verse 10 he says, “I want to know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised him from the dead” (NLT). Let’s pray today for a hunger and thirst to know God like these men of old did and to make this quest more important than anything else in our lives.

How to be all God wants you to be

When we become Christians by believing in Jesus and asking Him into our lives as Lord and Saviour, our lives should change (Rom 10:9,10). People should see the change in us (Acts 2:47). Becoming a Christian is a glorious starting point but we should have a desire to grow to be more and more like Jesus (Acts 2:42), to live the abundant life God has for us (John 10:10b) and tell others how to become a Christian (Matt 28:19-20). How do we grow in our Christian Walk? Christians in the early church were zealous for God and committed to growth, they were constant in prayer and studying what the apostles taught (Acts 2:42). The apostle Matthew exhorted us to, “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you” (Matt 6:33; NKJV) and the apostle Paul taught us not to focus on things on the earth but on the things of God (Col 3:2). We need to be zealous for God’s word as it will reveal God’s plans for us and how to grow into all He has for us (2 Tim 3:16-17; Josh 1:8; Heb 4:12). We should pray about all things with thankful hearts (Phil 4:6,7), constantly bringing our praise before God, just like the early Christians (Acts 2:47). Not only are we to love God with all our heart, soul and mind but we are to love each other as we love ourselves (Matt 22:37-39). As in the early church, this love will be seen in our care for each other (Acts 4:34).

Power and Strength

Have you ever felt tired and weak? I’m sure we all have from time to time. I was re-reading some verses in Isaiah (Isa 40:28-31) which I’ve read many times, but they encouraged me again today. Verse 28 says that God is never weary which is encouraging in itself! Then verse 29 tells us that God gives us His strength, “He gives power to the weak, And to those who have no might He increases strength” (NKJV). He doesn’t just give strength but increases it! This is a great verse to confess if you need strength. Then verse 31 tells us that those who wait on the Lord will have renewed strength and will even be like eagles, soaring effortlessly. I find it interesting that some versions say those that “wait on the Lord” while others say, “those who trust the Lord.” Either way, we have a part to play. The Hebrew word actually means “to wait, look for, hope, expect.” We must be expecting God to do what He says He will do. Spending time in His presence is waiting on God and that is what leads to strength. I like the way the AMPC uses the analogy of eagles mounting up “close to God.” When we spend time waiting on God we can soar into His presence and be strengthened and then we will, “run and not be weary” and “walk and not faint or become tired” (Isa 40:31b; AMPC). Spend some time waiting on God today and find strength in His presence.