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Power in the Word

In Genesis, the book of beginnings, we read that God spoke his word to bring about creation (Genesis 1). Think about this for a minute; it’s so easy to read and not get the full impact of God’s word in this account of creation. God spoke through the prophet Isaiah that his word does not return void but accomplishes his purpose (Isa 55:11). God also said to the prophet Jeremiah: “I will hasten my word to perform it” (Jer 1:12; KJV) Are we getting the picture? Gods word has power to achieve what it states it will.

The apostle Peter had been fishing all night and caught nothing (Luke 5:5-7). However, at Jesus command he lowered the fishing nets again and caught a huge number of fishes. A centurion in Luke 7:7 told Jesus to just: "say in a word, and my servant shall be healed”. The servant was healed. There is no doubt that God's word is very powerful

King David said that God had magnified his word above his name (Ps 138:2). God's word should be our delight according to Psalm 1:2 and if we meditate on the word we will flourish (Josh 1:8). Meditation is a re-speaking of the word; it is not just a mental activity.

We should give great respect and attention to the word and line up our thoughts and decisions with the word. Speak the word over your circumstances and watch things change for the better. For example, if you need healing, find scriptures on healing and speak them over your body, command your body to lineup with God’s word, claim that healing. Believe healing is yours and experience the power of God’s word.

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