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Love God Hate Sin

It is good for us to spend time in the Old testament of the bible and be reminded that God has zero tolerance for sin. This is portrayed graphically in his dealings with Israel and Judah, he allowed them to be taken into exile because of their rebellion and sin (2 Kings). We are also exhorted to hate evil (Ps 97:10).

In the new Testament we are told that sin causes spiritual death (Rom 6:23), all people sin (Rom 3:23) and that sin separates us from God. Jesus paid the price for our sins by his sacrificial death (1 Peter 3:18) and won justification for us (Rom 3:24). This simply mean that if we repent, ask his forgiveness and ask him into our life as Lord and Saviour we are forgiven and made just as if we had never sinned. Our sins were washed away by his blood (Rev 1:5), the price was paid and God sees us as righteous in Christ Jesus (2 Cor 5:21). To be righteous is to be in right standing with God.

Does this mean God has gone soft on sin? Absolutely not (1 John 1:5). We are told as Christians that we should not go on willfully sinning (1 John 3:6-9). However, we are still flesh and blood and we will sin (1 John 1:8), but if we repent and ask God’s forgiveness, he is quick to forgive (1 John 1:9). To repent is to simply turn from our sins and do what’s right.

The next question is, as Christians, are we soft on Sin? Do we have things in our lives that we wink at or ignore? Well, you know, God knows I get it mostly right but a few minor issues I am sure He can tolerate? God is still black and white on sin and he tells us to take of the old man and put on the new (Eph 4:22-24). That’s all of the old man and all of the new. Let’s not limit God in our lives by ignoring sin. Now don’t get condemned, God knows our hearts (Ps 44:21) and as we desire to be everything he wants us to be, he will provide grace to help us to change (Eph 1:7-9). The apostle Paul never claimed to be perfect (Phil 3:12) and God does not expect us to change overnight. Keep on keeping on, the blessings are amazing.

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