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God’s Word judges us.

“He who rejects Me, and does not receive My words, has that which judges Him— the word that I have spoken will judge Him in the last day” John 12:48; NKJV. I love God’s Word and we need to be saturating in the Word so that we can understand all God has for us and walk in it. In God’s Word He makes it clear that His Word is truth and life (John 17:17; John 6:63) and that His word will make us free (John 8:32). Free from what? Free from all the evil that sin brought into our lives, freedom to enjoy all of the blessings of God and to be His ambassadors on this earth (2 Cor 5:20). God tells us that if we truly love Him, we will keep His Word (John 14:21). God wants to do amazing things through all of our lives. We are not waiting on Him but He is waiting on us! As I was studying recently the verse above in John 12:48, struck me. Jesus was addressing many who would not receive His Words but as Christians this verse can still speak to us. At the end of our race God won’t ask us how it was with our plans and programs but simply judge our lives against His Word! Were we open to His whole Word or just our favorite parts, did we embrace it all or skirt around the challenging bits, did we have some convenient blind spots, were we His sold-out ambassadors? Praise God for His unconditional love and forgiveness. Let our lives be truly focused on being all He wants us to be, a truly amazing and fulfilling life. Wow, I preached myself happy.
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