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Fear God

Throughout the bible, in the New and Old Testaments, we are exhorted to fear God (Prov 3:7; Mtth 10:28). If we study these words out in the context they are used, the fear we are discussing is not a terrible, dread but a reverential fear, awe and respect of our mighty God. In Psalms 111:10 (KJV) we can see the principle result of this fear in our lives: “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth forever”.

To fear God is to walk in reverential awe of his might and majesty but it is also to walk in obedience and praise. The Bible is full of the benefits of fearing God as we have described that kind of fear above. Read Psalm 112 today to see these benefits described. This Psalm tells us that the men who fear God are blessed; walk in the light, are wealthy, righteous, gracious, discrete, full of faith, fearless, victorious, generous and never moved.

“The fear of the Lord tendeth to life: and he that hath it shall abide satisfied; he shall not be visited with evil.” (Prov 19:23) God said that those who feared him would be his and that he would make them his jewels (Mal 3:16-17). I like that.

Not so for the men who do not fear God, the Bible tells us it will not go well for them (Eccl 8:13).

It would seem you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to make the best decision here.

This would be good word to give to someone else. All rights reserved.

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