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Are You Like the Wise Virgins?

In the parable of the ten virgins (Matt 25:1-13) the virgins or bridesmaids waited for the arrival of the bridegroom, which in that tradition of marriage, could have happened at any time day or night. All ten had lamps lit but only five had extra oil in case the wait was long and the bridegroom came at night. When the bridegroom did come it was at night and the foolish virgins’ lamps sputtered as they were short of oil.

In this parable, Christ is the bridegroom returning for his church, his people, at his second coming. The foolish virgins were not prepared, they were like people that have not made Jesus their Lord and savior. The wise virgins had brought extra oil and were prepared; like people that have received Jesus as Lord and savior and are spiritually prepared to meet Christ at his second coming.

The wise virgins went in with the bridegroom to the wedding feast, just as spiritually prepared Christians will enter eternal life in heaven at Christ’s second coming.

The foolish virgins went looking at night for oil, just as spiritually unprepared people may search for the way to become a Christian at Christ’s second coming. When the foolish virgins returned with oil, the door of the wedding feast was closed and they could not enter. In fact, the bridegroom said to the unwise virgins: “I know you not” (KJV).

When Jesus returns, and he will, it will be too late to ask him into your life as Lord and savior. There are many, even in churches that see the light of Jesus but they do not know him. Have you repented of sin and asked Jesus into your life to be your Lord and savior and to give you the eternal life God has for you?

Be like a wise virgin, ask Jesus into your life now and make sure you have the light and are spiritually prepared to meet him when he comes back for his church.

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