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Take Your Place, you are Needed

The church is the body of Christ with Jesus as its head (Eph 1:22-23). The Holy Spirit baptized each one of us into the body of Christ or church (1 Cor 12:13). The church (Greek ecclesia) refers to the Christian church universal and the local church. As it is the Holy Spirit that places us into the church we should very prayerfully seek his guidance as to our local church home. We don't make such a decision based on convenience or feelings but purely on God's guidance.

In the book of Acts the normal church is described; a church focused on the apostles' teaching (for us the Bible), prayer, fellowship, care and unity (Acts 2:42-47). In such a church the power of the Holy Spirit was manifest in signs, wonders and miracles and thousands of people were discipled into the church (Acts 5:14-16).

Paul exhorted us to be in church (Heb 10:25). The Bible tells us we are all needed for the local church to function effectively (1 Cor 12:12-19); this includes you. We all need the church so we can be equipped for ministry and mature as Christians (Eph 4:11-13).

Take Your Place, you are Needed.

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