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How Do You become a Christian?

In Acts 2:21 (KJV) we read: “whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved” To become a Christian you must be born again or saved (John 3:1-6). Sin in our life causes our spirit to die and breaks our fellowship with God (Rom 6:23; Rom 3:23). Christ died as a sacrifice for our sins (Rom 5:8), he paid the price, we are washed by his blood (Heb 9:14). The way through the veil into fellowship with God has been restored. If we ask Jesus into our lives as Lord and Savior God gives us a new spirit (heart; Rom 10:9-10); this is salvation, the new birth or being born again.

If you study out the word salvation; however, it means so much more than spiritual rebirth, restored fellowship and forgiveness. The Greek word for salvation is an all-encompassing word and includes healing, preservation, safety, rescue, liberation, deliverance, soundness, restoration, prosperity, happiness and general well-being. Our God is a good God who loves us and wants to walk and talk with us (Gen 3:8). 

Long ago there lived a lady servant of a wealthy family. She became too old to work and had to retire. Her employers gave her a home and a beautiful document that she had framed and put away safely in a drawer. She then lived out her days in abject poverty as she had no money to live on. When she died, her friends found the framed document, it indicated that her employers had set aside a pension fund for her to meet all her needs the rest of her days. The old lady could not read and never took advantage of her ex-master’s love and generosity.

We can read, lets press into God’s word and enjoy salvation, be all he wants us to be, do all he has for us to do.

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