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The Fear of the Lord

The fear of the Lord is a crucial part of our relationship with the Lord. There are many scriptures in the Bible concerning the fear of the Lord and its benefits. I found 4 verses that say the fear of the Lord leads to wisdom. The book of Proverbs also tells us that the fear of the Lord prolongs life, provides protection, good sleep, health, prevents sin, brings blessings and much more. In addition, we are told that God will reveal His secrets to those who fear Him (Ps 25:14) and that He also takes pleasure in those who fear Him (Ps 145:11). In Malachi 4:2 we learn that, “For you who fear My name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in His wings”.
So, what is the fear of the Lord? We know it does not mean to be afraid of God. The Amplified Classic Bible gives some helpful definitions of godly fear for example in Proverbs 1:7 it says that the fear of the Lord involves, “worshipping Him and regarding Him as truly awesome” Fearing God includes awe, reverence, respect, honour and worship. I believe that if we truly fear the Lord, it would also include trust and obedience. Did you know that Heb 5:7 says that God heard the prayers of Jesus because of His godly fear?
The message Bible says to “always live in the fear of the Lord” (Prov 23:17) and that is advice worth following which will bring untold benefits.

Sold out for God

In 2 Kings chapter 2 we read that the Lord took the prophet Elijah to heaven in a whirlwind (2 Kings 2:11). Elijah’s servant, Elisha knew he was to succeed his master in ministry (1 Kings 19:19) and that Elijah was soon to be ending his time on earth. Elisha was determined to stay with his master in order to receive a double portion of his anointing (2 Kings 2:9b). Shortly before his departure, Elijah told Elisha 3 times to “stay here while I go to another place” but each time Elisha replied, “As the Lord lives and as your soul lives, I will not leave you” (2 Kings 2:2b;4b;6b; NKJV). Elisha witnessed Elijah’s departure to heaven and received the anointing to follow in his prophetic ministry (2 Kings 2:15). Elisha showed amazing faithfulness and commitment to his master and his reward was great.
How committed are we in our relationship to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ? In Mark 12:30 (NKJV) we read, “and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength.” Jesus called us to put selfishness aside and be sold out for God (Matt 16:24-25). If we follow Jesus with all our heart, He said we would, “have the light of life” (John 8:12; NKJV). If we make God our priority, we will experience all His blessings (Matt 6:33), and walk in His power to shine as lights (Acts 1:8) and be His witnesses on the earth. Are we as tenacious in our relationship with God as Elisha was with Elijah? The rewards are awesome!

Plead the Blood

When we first started attending a Spirit filled church, we often heard people using the words, “plead the blood.” At first, I didn’t know what it meant and thought it was spiritual lingo. However, over the years I have come to more of an understanding of what this means.
In Exodus 12 we read about the instructions that God gave the children of Israel through Moses. Moses had just announced the last plague to Pharoah, that all the firstborn children would die that night but God told Moses how to protect His people. Verses 3-5 tell us that they had to sacrifice a perfect lamb and then in verse 7, to put some of its blood on the door frames of their houses so that God would pass over them and protect them.
This points to the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, the spotless lamb of God, whose blood was shed for our salvation. The word salvation includes protection, so every time we need protection, we can “plead the blood of Jesus.” It simply means applying the effects of the blood of Jesus over our loved ones, homes, vehicles etc. We do it in faith, believing in the power of the blood.
“They overcame him (satan) because of the blood of the lamb and because of the word of their testimony.” (Rev 12:11 AMP).


So often Christians struggle with this issue. So, what does the Bible have to say? "In Him we have redemption, through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace" (Eph 1:7; NKJV). By Christ's sacrifice on the cross, His death and resurrection, the shedding of His blood, He won forgiveness for all of us, all sins, past, present and future.
God not only forgives us but He doesn't remember our sins (Heb 10:17). In fact, as far as God is concerned, our sins have been plunged into the deepest sea (Micah 7:18) and removed from us to the distance of the east from the west (Psalm 103:12). If God could forgive King David for adultery and murder (2 Sam 12:1-15) and the apostle Paul for persecuting the early Christians (Acts 9:1-2) then He will forgive us for anything we have done,
We are to forgive as Christ forgives us (Eph 4:32) and if we don't forgive God won't forgive us (Mark 11:26). Jesus said we should forgive someone 7 times 70 times (Matt 18:21-22). I think that means don't put any limit on your forgiveness. Our greatest example of forgiveness is of course, Jesus. On the cross He prayed, "Father forgive them for they know not what they do" (Luke 23:34; NKJV).
Let's receive God's forgiveness and forgive others by faith and in sincerity, from our hearts (Matt 18:35).

Get Dressed!

Do you ever get up in the morning and not know what to wear? Well Col 3:12-14 gives us a few suggestions! Verse 12 begins in many translations with the words “clothe yourselves with…...”, so let’s see what we are supposed to wear.
1. Tenderhearted mercy (or compassion). That’s not just feeling sorry for someone but doing something about it.
2. Kindness or “goodness in action”. Kindness is a fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22,23).
3. Humility or “a deep sense of one’s littleness”.
4. Gentleness or being able to keep your emotions under control, another fruit of the Spirit).
5. Patience or extending forbearance with people that try your patience, another fruit of the Spirit.
6. Forgiveness – enough said!
7. “Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony” (Col 3:14; NLT). In other words, the most important thing we need to wear is love. Agape, God’s unconditional, sacrificial love.
If we make a decision to wear these clothes every day, we will always look beautiful!